Month: April 2019

Vocational Training

The EMPOWER Project is a concerted effort of a consortium of agencies and funded by the European Union through strengthening civil society and enhancing technical...


The ACROSS Media Department works with partners such as Dan church Aid (DCA), Pioneer Australia, World Vision and Christian Aid (CA) to develop, translate, record...


The ACROSS nutrition project started in 2016 in Lasu and Gorom refugee settlements in Yei and Rajaf Counties of former Central Equatoria State. The original...

International Aid Transparency Initiative

In 2015 ACROSScommits to the concept of OPEN DATA. As part of this commitment, ACROSS is publishing project data in an IATI-compliant way. ACROSS will...

Vision – Mission – Values

ACROSS Vision: Christ-centred transformation of communities in South Sudan and beyond. ACROSS Mission: To transform communities in South Sudan and beyond through a holistic Christ-centred approach....

Who We Are

We are an interdenominational Christian organization based in South Sudan working to transform lives and communities through partnership with the global church, other organizations, and...

Refugee Care

While many South Sudanese have been internally displaced from their traditional homes, others in surrounding countries have some to South Sudan to seek refuge. The...

ACROSS History

ACROSS is an inter-denominational Christian organization founded in 1972 by four mission societies: Africa Inland Mission (AIM), Sudan United Mission (SUM), Sudan Interior Mission (SIM),...