Month: May 2019

MegaVoice Media Centre

ACROSS and MegaVoice have established South Sudan’s first MegaVoice Media Centre. The goal of this partnership is to make MegaVoice products and services more accessible...

International Liaison Office

70 Ndege Rd, Karen P O Box 21033 00505 Ngong Road Nairobi, Kenya Tel: Wireless: Mobile: E-mail: ...

South Sudan Head Office

P.0.Box 132 Buluk off Ministries Rd Juba, South Sudan Office Tel: Office Tel2: Email: ...

Sudan Literature Centre

Sudan Literature Centre (SLC) supplies churches and organizations with small run printing of books and publications. Popular titles include Shukuru Yesu and a variety of...

Recording Studio

The ACROSS Media Team can help you write, translate and record your message into a digital format. Audio messages are an ideal way to deliver...