Month: June 2020

Zai Pits for Peace and Productivity

Zai Pits for Peace and Productivity, is a next step effort to transition from relief to development in Kapoeta East where ACROSS and PMU have...

Logistics Officer

Position Title:   Logistic Officer Location:           Juba Report To:        Head of Finance Closing Date:    10th July 2020 ACROSS is an Interdenominational Christian and Humanitarian Organization serving...


CMS CompoundJericho, Mvara MissionPO Box 217Arua, Uganda...

Atiriu Ag Centre

ACROSS prepares to reopen the agricultural training center just outside of Rumbek in Atiriu in the Lakes State. The centre was closed during previous years...

Girls’ WASH Project at Local Orphanage

ACROSS conducted four (4) sessions on Menstrual Hygiene Management training to girls, aged 12 – 18 years, in Living Water Ministry Orphanage Centre. The Menstrual...