Who We Are

child with bucket

We are an interdenominational Christian organization based in South Sudan working to transform lives and communities through partnership with the global church, other organizations, and the communities we serve. Working with communities in a dialogue of equals, ACROSS seeks biblical transformation in all sectors. Through training programs and local resources, ACROSS works to understand and engage root causes of problems from the perspective of those affected. A holistic approach, one for the whole person and whole community, is necessary for creating meaningful relationships and authentic change.


ACROSS Head Office is in Juba, South Sudan. Nairobi, Kenya Office is a Liaison office. ACROSS works from rather than in program locations, which means even other areas can be reached with our ministries. ACROSS has a workforce of around 220 staff, the majority of which Are South Sudanese, with a very small number of overseas missionaries serving as volunteers.

ACROSS is a Partnership!

As a para-Church organization, ACROSS is a central link in a larger network of partners for transformation. A host of international partners and donors support the ministry of ACROSS with funds and human resources, while also offering a platform for dialogue and strategizing. Local partners within South Sudan include churches, local organizations and the communities where we work. ACROSS plays a role in connecting the worldwide Church and the South Sudanese Church.

An ‘International-South Sudanese’ Organization

ACROSS has both South Sudanese and non-South Sudanese staff members. The South Sudanese staff form the bulk of the staff in keeping with ACROSS’ philosophy of local action. They remain connected to the resources of the local community. Other staff include nationals of: Ethiopia, Uganda, Australia, and Kenya.

ACROSS is an Implementer!

In cooperation with our strategic partners, ACROSS serves communities throughout South Sudan and Northern Uganda through a holistic approach to community transformation. ACROSS currently serves as the Deep Field Humanitarian Coordination Focal Point for greater Boma region and also has projects in the following sectors:

  • Camp Coordination (Gorom Camp)
  • Education
  • Nutrition
  • Health
  • Protection & Human Rights
  • Emergency Shelter & Non-food Items
  • Food Security & Livelihoods
  • Water, Sanitation & Hygiene (WASH)
  • Peace & Capacity Building

Listening to Communities, listening to God

The dynamics in South Sudan affect the nature and style of ACROSS’ work. Beyond security issues, refugee issues, and political movements, the presence of international relief agencies has made some people hopeless and others dependent, dampening some people’s imagination for change. Over the years from the peace agreement in 2005 to the independence of the Republic of South Sudan and the recent signing of peace in 2015 following civil clashes- ACROSS has had to respond to new realities both helpful and challenging. There is an urgency for communities to seek God’s direction in their trajectories, identifying their needs, seeking a solution together, and moving toward their envisioned destiny.

Some key characteristics of ACROSS:

  1. A clear holistic ministry approach.
  2. An integrated program approach.
  3. Strong partnerships with agencies from around the world.
  4. A reputation for program implementation and careful management of resources.
  5. Geographic locations throughout South Sudan and Northern Uganda.
  6. Substantial involvement in rehabilitation and reintegration responses to refugees and displaced people groups.

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