Girls’ WASH Project at Local Orphanage

ACROSS conducted four (4) sessions on Menstrual Hygiene Management training to girls, aged 12 – 18 years, in Living Water Ministry Orphanage Centre. The Menstrual Hygiene Management training brought together 26 participants (divided into 4 groups due to Covid-19 social distancing). The training took place at Living Water Ministry Orphanage Centre for two days.

Hygiene Management Training
Instruction on Female Anatomy

The objective was to equip participants with knowledge about how their bodies work and skills on how to manage and maintain themselves during their menstrual cycle. All trainings were conducted by ACROSS WASH Assistant, Christine James.

The training covered the following outlines:

  • Female anatomy
  • Changes that occur during puberty
  • Different methods for managing periods
  • The menstrual cycle
  • Premenstrual syndrome
  • Managing pain
  • Myths and facts regarding menstruation
  • Distribution of Days for Girls dignity kits, soap, buckets, and face masks.
Girls with their new masks and dignity kits.

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