Whistleblowing Notice

ACROSS seeks to operate with high standards of integrity and honesty and expects the same standards from all employees, volunteers, implementing partners, suppliers and contractors.

Please report concerns or suspicions about any wrongdoing, unethical practice or criminal acts on the part of any employee or volunteer of ACROSS, its implementing partners, suppliers or contractors.

We will treat any information received from you seriously and confidentially, in line with best practice and applicable law.

There is no definitive list of what would be classified as wrongdoing, but examples include, although are not limited to, the following acts, which you reasonably believe have or will take place: 

  • a criminal offence including fraud or theft;
  • abuse or exploitation of a child or vulnerable adult;
  • engage in or facilitate the human trafficking of another person;
  • a failure to comply with a regulatory or legal obligation;
  • using their position or authority to abuse/victimise another person;
  • a risk to the health and safety of an individual;
  • bribery or corruption (e.g. accepting incentives in return for awarding business, or receiving benefit);
  • false accounting, reporting or auditing irregularities;
  • breaches of internal policies and procedures;
  • other risks or dangers at work (e.g. breaches of IT security);
  • behaviour that is not in line with ACROSS’s expected policies;
  • any other criminal or illegal activity has, will or is likely to take place; and
  • any attempt to conceal any of the above matters. 

How to report

If you have any concerns or allegations about the conduct of an ACROSS staff member, representative, supplier, contractor or implementing partner, please report it immediately, in any of the following ways:

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